Ahmo Hight
Birth Place
Fitness glamour model
Claim to fame
Ms Fitness USA, Ms Fit Body Bay Area 1994
Ahmo Hight Detailed Biography
Ahmo Hight is a German, Dutch, American Indian, Scottish, and French. Her name means "little bee" in Chippewa Indian. Born in East Chicago; but lived in Minneapolis until she was in the 5th grade. After that she moved to Cloquet Minn. until the 6th grade. Until 9th grade she trained for gymnastics in Houston, Texas under Bela Karolyi. Then, back to Cloquet until graduation from high school. Two days after graduation she moved to Northern California and started fitness modeling. Awhile later she Moved to Los Angeles. In spite of her obvious exhibitionist streak, she's a very private person. Enjoys reading, going for walks with friends, movies, and an occasional night out dancing. One of her favorite things to do in the world is the photo shoots and has a passion for running up hills. She cools down doing yoga, deep breathing meditation , and long hot bubble baths to jazz or classical music.
Source: netglimse.com
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