Friday, February 27, 2009
Bart Scott May Be Leaning Toward Jets
This is the Jets’ moment. They’ve been chopping at salaries for weeks.
Coach Rex Ryan would dearly love to transplant part of his Ravens defense, not just the talent but the fire and the heart. (The grafting of Brett Favre onto the Jets was rejected by the host, but this makes more sense.)
But which Raven or combination of Ravens represents the best value? Bart Scott, Ray Lewis, Jim Leonhard?
We may know the answer soon. The Sporting News is reporting that Scott will visit the Jets first and that he could be signed by the end of today.
Ray Lewis could be headed for Denver.
And the Jets, after casting aside Brandon Moore, are pursuing Steelers guard Chris Kemoeatu.
Extra Point: Bart Scott or Ray Lewis? Which linebacker would you chase if you were at the G.M. controls?
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