The British singer is famed for ballads such as You’re Beautiful and Goodbye My Lover. He doesn’t like to talk about his personal life or discuss the meaning behind his songs, explaining he thinks people can work things out for themselves if they study the lyrics. He pours everything he has into his tunes, which sometimes makes him feel strange when he sings them to strangers.
“Often they are very personal and private songs, the lyrics behind them... to get on stage is a naked moment,” he admitted.
The star is currently promoting his new album Some Kind of Trouble, which he wrote over the last year. He went into the studio with no idea of the sort of record he wanted to make, choosing to spend time “messing around” with his producer until he was happy with a song.
The process worked, and James is pleased with the resulting LP. He says it is more positive than a lot of the material he has released before, although there are still some tracks which will appeal to his diehard fans.
“It’s more upbeat, it’s got some happy songs in there which is unusual for me. I’ve got a little dash of misery in some of them but this is optimistic as an album and it’s been really fun making it,” he told the BBC. “This one’s taken over a year, locked away in the studio. I went in and messed around, so it’s nice to be allowed out to talk to people. We were in there almost every single day, I think my producer’s wife was jealous about the amount of time we were together.”
Several years ago, James admitted he sold his sister on internet auction site eBay. She was desperate to make it to Ireland in time for a funeral so he posted an advert calling for someone to help her as she couldn’t get a flight or ferry in time. She is now married to the man who won the bid, giving James a cunning idea.
“My sister is now married to the person I eBayed her to. I have a second sister who I’m going to put online soon,” he said. “She’s not as good, she’ll be cheaper but it’s worth a go.”
Source: musicrooms.net
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