Adam Kaufman
Adam Kaufman Detailed Biography
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For other persons named Adam Kaufman, see Adam Kaufman (disambiguation).
24 character
Adam Kaufman
Jobs held
CTU Analyst
Sara Kaufman (Sister) (Deceased)
Current status
Portrayed by
Zachary Quinto
Adam Kaufman is a fictional character from the TV series 24, played by Zachary Quinto. He was introduced at the beginning of the third season and appeared in all but one episode that season but has not been mentioned or seen since.
Chronologically, Adam's first appearance is in 24: The Game when he is brought into CTU as an analyst to replace Sean Walker who was executed after being taken hostage during an attack on CTU. He assists CTU by cracking several codes, extracting files, and locating the site where terrorists have planted a bomb.
Adam is still working at CTU at the start of the third season, though he has developed an adversarial relationship with fellow analyst Chloe O'Brian. Chloe believes that Adam has a problem working with women, despite her abrasive and sarcastic personality sometimes clashing with that of her coworkers. Adam also has some initial difficulties with Kim Bauer because he believes her to be inexperienced, and suspects that she is only at CTU because her father Jack Bauer arranged for her to be there. Jack seems to confirm this by telling Chase and Kim that he wanted Kim to work at CTU so that she would be out of harm's way. He backs off once she proves herself capable.
The search for the Cordilla virus throughout the day hits Adam personally when he learns that his sister Sarah is among those infected after an infected guest leaves the Chandler Plaza Hotel, the site of Stephen Saunders' demonstration of the virus. Although he knows that his sister will die soon, as the modified Cordilla virus kills everyone who contracts it, he continues his work diligently.
Adam is apparently no longer working at CTU at the start of the fourth season. The circumstances of his departure and his whereabouts are unknown. It is possible that he left CTU due to the death of his sister.
Counter Terrorist Unit Staff on 24
v • d • e
Jack Bauer | Kim Bauer | Tony Almeida | Nina Myers | George Mason | Richard Walsh | Jamey Farrell
Milo Pressman | Ryan Chappelle | Michelle Dessler | Tom Baker | Brad Hammond | Carrie Turner
Chloe O'Brian | Chase Edmunds | Adam Kaufman | Gael Ortega | Erin Driscoll | Curtis Manning
Edgar Stiles | Sarah Gavin | Marianne Taylor | Bill Buchanan | Lynn McGill | Karen Hayes
Miles Papazian | Morris O'Brian | Nadia Yassir | Mike Doyle | Minor Agents
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Categories: Articles lacking sources from June 2007 | All articles lacking sources | Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction | 24 (TV series) characters | Fictional computer experts
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Source: netglimse.com
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