So everyone wants to know if the groundhog saw his shadow today? He sure did! Groundhog Day 2009 forecasts six more weeks of winter. Read more on cute Punxsutawney Phil below.
Punxsutawney Phil came out just after dawn in front of an estimated 13,000 people gathered for Groundhog Day.
The Groundhog Day annual ritual takes place on Gobbler’s Knob, a tiny hill in Punxsutawney, about 65 miles from Pittsburg.
The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club announced the forecast in a short proclamation, in which Phil acknowledged the Steelers’ 27-23 win over the Arizona Cardinals.
According to German superstition, if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2 _ the Christian holiday of Candlemas _ winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says, spring will come early.
Since 1887, Phil has seen his shadow 97 times, hasn’t seen it 15 times, and there are no records for nine years, according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. In reality, Phil doesn’t see much of anything. The result is actually decided in advance by 14 members of the club’s Inner Circle, who don tuxedos and top hats for the event.
Damn! Six more weeks of winter!
Source: stupidcelebrities.net
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