First, it can make you eat when you don’t need any food — sometimes the feeling is the product of a bored or worried mind rather than an actual indication of hunger. Second, it’s real enough to send you into an eating frenzy at your next meal.
Pile on the protein
Calorie for calorie, nothing matches the satiating power of protein. That’s why a morning dose of skim or low-fat milk or yogurt is key — it gives your breakfast a protein boost.
A hard-boiled egg can do the same. If you’re looking for a satisfying snack, yogurt is a great snack option to help consumers manage their weight.
Fill up on fibre
Fibre takes up space in your belly without adding many calories. It also slows the rate at which food travels through your digestive system, she says, and that keeps you feeling full longer.
Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains all pack lots of fibre and a hefty dose of vitamins. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereal topped with fruit, add milk or yogurt, and chances are you'll make it to lunch without a trip to the vending machine.
Go nuts!
A hormone called ghrelin stimulates appetite and makes your stomach growl. But just a handful of nuts can cause ghrelin levels to take a dive.
Calorically, the most dangerous part of a meal eaten out is the first 10 minutes when you arrive, famished, and clean out the breadbasket. If you eat a few nuts 30 minutes before dinner, your hunger will drop off dramatically. By the time you sit down for the meal, you’ll be able to slow down, enjoy the food, and stop before you’re stuffed.
Take a brisk walk
Studies show that a little vigorous exercise can temporarily suppress hunger. Before you decide to grab a snack, walk up a few stairs or stroll around the block.
You may find that you’re no longer hungry. Or you might discover that you weren’t hungry to begin with. If it’s anxiety or stress that was causing you to want to eat, exercise can help. Even taking a few yogic breaths at your desk might be enough to unwind. Try breathing in slowly to the count of five, then exhaling for the same period of time. Repeat at least three times.
Keep your hands busy
Choose a snack that slows down your eating and makes you work for the calories like pistachio nuts in the shell. And their high protein content makes them an especially satisfying choice.
Soothe your taste buds
Sometimes hunger is simply a desire to taste something. In that case, a piece of licorice, a strong breath mint, or even a Listerine breath strip might be enough to satisfy your urge. With a minty taste on your tongue, your taste buds will be numbed and you won’t want that slice of cheese or piece of cake.
Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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