canese, “How you doin’ Will?”, tongue firmly in cheek, he sighed, “I’m so good that I’m almost ashamed of it!”
For a man who believes he can be the President of America; fly a space shuttle and achieve the unattainable — turning into a ‘legend’ isn’t way off the mark. After all, he’s been the first rapper to be nominated for an Academy Award twice (Ali, The Pursuit of Happyness). Now Willy boy is all set to save the world all over again (remember Independence Day and MIB?) from a man-made virus in his new sci-fi movie, I Am Legend.
What everyone wants to learn from Will is how he gets into the ‘skeleton of the role’. Yes, he’s lost nearly 20 pounds for this character; and is looking almost skinny fit. “For me eating becomes something I do just because I have to. There is no desire or pleasure to eat. I just know that my brain isn’t going to function if I don’t eat. And working out is something I have to do. It’s important for me to stay in good physical condition — if you marry a real firecracker (Jada Pinkett-Smith) you gotta stay in shape!” he says, flashing his infectious smile.
The Grammy winner apparently has a passion for Indian beauties and Bollywood movies. To be more specific, ‘the most beautiful woman in the world’ — Aishwarya Rai? He’d expressed his desire to cast her in Hitch, but Ash had ‘date’ issues (only movie dates, we presume?) and Eva Mendes stepped in. “Aishwarya Rai turns me down all the time. Everytime I ask her, she turns me down.” He pauses and exclaims, “Oh yes... Congrats Aishwarya! I heard she got married. But she ain’t working with Will Smith,” he expresses. For a man who featured in a celebrity magazine in a list of ‘50 Most Beautiful People in the World’, it is indeed a display of modesty.
And what does he think of Mumbai, so akin in life-form to his favourite NYC. “I had a beautiful time in Mumbai. Sometime in June 2008, I’ll be making a trip,” he reveals. Looking for Indian beauties for his next venture, aha? “I want to make a movie in India, I’d really love to. I have discussed this with my friends too. I’ve told them ‘let’s get the script and idea and let’s make it happen’!”
And knowing the ‘Will’-ful Smith, he’s gonna do it!
Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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