The trio want teenagers to stop obsessing about the shape of their bodies.
Editor in Chief Ann Shoket launches the year-long project to help girls with unhealthy body image issues in the new issue of the teen magazine. She says, "So many girls feel awful about themselves."
Snow, who recently revealed she suffered from anorexia and bulimia, is desperate to help young girls who are struggling with the same issues she struggled with as her acting career took off when she was 16.
She tells news show "Entertainment Tonight," "I got help when I was 17. It was a process and still is a process, but I am 21 years old now, and I have done a lot of hard work.
Snow says, "It is a daily thing, but I am 100 percent better than where I was in just little things, like not hating myself in the morning and wearing jeans, and even if they are tight, being OK with myself."
Seventeen magazine is hoping to get one million girls to sign the treaty, but Snow, who reveals she lost two pals to anorexia, just wants to reach one girl: "So many people are going through this. Celebrities included. There is a way to get help and feel better."
Source: starpulse.com
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