
Monday, October 22, 2007

George in a Bollywood flick?

She says, “What can I say about George Clooney? I met a lot of famous personalities while I was in Toronto, but Clooney swept me off my feet.

Actor Sameera Reddy has moved on in life, but she hasn’t yet got over her experience of meeting Cool Clooney, George, at an international do recently.

She says, “What can I say about George Clooney? I met a lot of famous personalities while I was in Toronto, but Clooney swept me off my feet. He was trimmer than I expected him to be and was just wow! He is so unassuming.

He did say that he must be a part of at least one Bollywood film, as he was excited about the song and dance formula of Hindi cinema,” she tells us. So, any of our filmmakers interested in a casting coup of sorts?



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