
Saturday, December 1, 2007

UN envoy denounces closure of Myanmar's HIV/AIDS monastery

NEW YORK: United Nations envoy Ibrahim Gambari has critcised Myanmar's military regime for closing down a monastery used as a hospice for HIV/AIDS patients.

"Any action that runs counter to the spirit of national reconciliation in an all-inclusive manner, any action that will inflame passions, any actions that will undermine the dialogue between the Government and those who disagree with the policies of the Government should be avoided, " Gambari said.

Last Thursday, Myanmar security forces sealed Maggin Monastery in Yangon and forced two monks and six novices vacate the premises.

The monastery also provided housing for HIV/AIDS patients, who came to Yangon seeking treatment.

Gambari, the Secretary-General's Special Advisor, underscored that the UN has repeatedly called for the release of detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.



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