Her new work though is much more than a stone throw away from the teeny style of ‘Let the Rain Fall Down’. The best way to put it is that Hilary seems to have ‘matured’ in new album ‘Dignity’, kind of reminds me of the maturing of Britney Spears only without the drama and insanity. If I was being genuine I would admit to being a fan, deep down inside, but that’s for another time and another conversation.
Her new album and new song come at a time where the music industry is badly in need of soloist talent, especially solo female talent. She’s got what every other pop/rock chick has in terms of flair and looks; she just seems to be the underdog when up against the likes of Avril Lavigne and Pink. There are occasional hints of Gwen Stefani style throughout the album, not that that’s a bad thing or anything. After all she is a Female symbol in the pop scene at the moment.
The downside, or rather the defect when it comes to this album is that there are no tracks that are outstanding or fantastic, they all seem to be quite…well…quite common. On the positive side of things, she seems to have the potential to go places in Music, I’m not going to stop her and neither are you, that’s why you are going to go out and by this album as soon as hits the shelves.
Source: www.musicrooms.net
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