In a black tee punctuated with fluorescent pink and green lettering, MIMS made no attempt to hide from the reason he was here. At least two of his other songs mention that other title. He went into it for a few bars, then out of it.
He toyed with the intro choruses of at least a half dozen popular tunes by other rappers. (And one by Beyonce, "Irreplaceable," that turned into an extended a capella ladies' sing along).
Finally, he asked his DJ, "You think they ready for me?" "Me." As in, "This Is Why I'm Hot." "Me."
At the nearby Captain Morgan stage, Mickey Avalon brought a section of a chain link fence, a metal bench and two women in leather jackets -- till they ditched them -- and glittery pants -- painted on? -- and classy makeup (and maybe modesty -- they didn't much face the audience) to go along with his junky stylings and scuzzoid beats and the most grating voice that ever tried rhyme. Hipster androgynous rap? Not yet worth it.
Stuck between these two hip hop purveyors, APX-1 got lost in some strange vortex that overtook the Mission Stage. People filed past, hearing snippets but not stopping: Das EFX, Fu-Schnickens, Lords of the Underground, Onyx, Grand Puba -- classic stuff mostly, and mostly lost on the crowds. You know how beach balls find their way into the sky at concerts, constantly re-punched in celebratory glee? During the LA DJ's set, a soccer game nearly broke out.
Source: www.signonsandiego.com
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