He rubs shoulders in the Best Supporting Actor category with the likes of Steve Zahn, Marcus Carl Franklin and Kene Holliday. Irrfan, incidentally, has been nominated for his performance as Tabu’s silently progressive husband in The Namesake. Now the buzz is that Irrfan will also be nominated for an Oscar.
Speaking from New York, Irrfan could barely contain his surprise. “Mira Nair got the Gotham Award and I was there to watch this historic moment. Barely 24 hours later comes this announcement about me. The Spirit Awards to me is every bit as prestigious as the Oscars. But unlike the Oscars, they are totally independent and based entirely on merit rather than lobbying. I’m honoured to be alongside Don Cheadle, Frank Langella and Philip Seymour Hoffman (all nominated in the Best Actor category).”
Philip is Irrfan’s favourite actor. They met after the Gotham Awards at a party on Monday. “His versatility has always taken my breath away. He started with just two scenes in Scent Of A Woman . Somewhere I identify with him. When I met him, it was a dream come true,” said Irrfan.
Uma Thurman, too, interacted with Irrfan at a lunch hosted by the actress for Mira Nair and her The Namesake crew on Monday. They spent a good half hour chatting. “Uma had seen both my new films, A Mighty Heart and The Namesake . She said it was unbelievable that the same actor could do two such dissimilar films,” said Irrfan.
Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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