
Saturday, December 1, 2007

It pays to serve Celine Dion!

The Canadian singer ordered an impressive 14 dishes of ravioli with tomatoes and peppers from a renowned New York restaurant.

Celine was impressed with the service and tipped the waiter $100 when he brought the food out to her car. She then settled the $500 (Rs 19,742 approximately) bill in cash.

The My Heart Will Go On singer, who has a six-year-old son Rene-Charles with husband Rene Angelil, isn’t the only celebrity with a reputation as a good tipper. Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx hands out hundreds of dollars to night-club staff in Los Angeles.

One waitress said, “One night’s worth of tips from Jamie Foxx pays my entire rent for the month.”

Coming back to Celine, the singer has pulled out of a concert in her native Canada because she feels bullied by local residents and the press. Her hubby cum manager issued a statement to this effect soon after her critics made her feel unwelcome.



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