
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Oprah feared supporting Obama

“(I thought) what is the cost to me for doing it? Am I going to lose viewers? I made the decision that I have the right to do it as an American citizen. But, I will not use my platform. I can use my own personal voice,” Contactmusic quoted her as telling the New York Daily News.

“I know him well enough to believe in his moral authority. And, that is the number one reason why I am supporting him,” she added.

Obama announced on Monday that Oprah would campaign alongside him in Iowa, the crucial first state that kicks off the nominating process in January, before taking her to the other key early battlegrounds of New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Obama, who trails Hillary Clinton by a wide margin among women voters in national opinion polls, has suggested that Oprah’s support “means that I may get a hearing in certain quarters”.



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