Kristen Davis, the madame who hooked up former Governor Eliot Spitzer, apparently also hired girls out to Alex Rodriguz. In fact, not only did A-Rod indulge in her high end hookers but he also dated Davis herself.
Davis says she met A-Rod four years ago at a gym in Philadelphia. In a statement to the New York Post she said: "our paths have crossed both personally and professionally," and that "there was a flirtation there."
She went on to say that she couldn’t deny that they had a relationship.
The New York Daily News got a hold of an email exchange between the Kristin Davis and A-Rod. It starts with a A-Rod thanking Davis for supplying him with one of her lovely hookers which he uses as a lead in to hit on the madame herself.
Here’s part of that email:
Davis: "Hi Alex. You don't want to see me. I'm no fun. lol. Just because your (sic) so sweet, here are some pics of me and I appreciate the compliments. Your (sic) a doll. Thanks, Kristin"
Rodriguez: "You have been playing hard to get for a year now, your (sic) killing me."
Davis: "It's not playing I am hard to get. Maybe you should try harder."
Rodriguez: "Kristin, I definitely will and I love the pics. I put the one on my cell so I can look at you all the time. Alex."
Davis: "You are too sweet. I'll let you know when I get someone you like."
The Daily News goes on to report that according to two former employees of the escort agency (same source for the above email) A-Rod hired more than six hookers while they worked there.
Source: beat.bodoglife.com
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