Do not get me wrong; clearly, Valerie Bertinelli in a bikini looks superb for any age – given the fact that she is 48, she looks unbelievably great. Still, the question remains, is she overexposed? I mean, over the past year, there was so much talk about her weight loss that the whole thing gets a little old, don’t you think?
It is not as if she has lost 50 pounds on her own, she lost weight on Jenny Craig, and she probably had a personal trainer, too. She deserves credit for her effort, but the whole thing seems like a promo for Jenny Craig.
The bottom line on Valerie Bertinelli in a bikini If you think about it, at the end, it boils down to this: Does she know how to eat healthy without Jenny Craig? Is she going to maintain the lost weight five years from now?
Source: ifitandhealthy.com
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