First of all I wish a Happy Ugadi festival to all those who will celebrate the Ugadi festival on the coming Friday 27 March in advance. In this post are some links to free Ugadi Greetings cards and Recipes that you can use to send to your family. Update: Get Your Free Flash Ugadi Ecards here before you continue to read.
Free Ugadi Greeting Cards
Check 123 Greetings for some very good Ugadi greeting cards that you can send by email to your friends and family here.
For the best flash Ugadi greeting ecards check 365 Greetings. All cards are free and also are available for bloggers and website administrators to use on their own website. Sample below. Click here for more. The cards can also be customised.
What Is Ugadi?
The word Ugadi is infact from the word Yug which mean era and Adi which mean start. In other word this mean start of an era or of a new year. It marks the start of the Hindu year which is base on the lunar calendar.
The festival is famous for its recipe of the day which is called the “Ugadi Pachhadi” which is a mixture of 6 tastes namely, bitterness, tang, salty, sweet, sourness and chili. These 6 tastes ought to represent the different parts of life which are sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise. The symbolic aspect of this recipe is to show that in life people must accept to live with all the parts of it. Before ending this post here is a site with recipes for the festival.
Well Happy Ugadi to everyone in advance.
Source: islandcrisis.net
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