The Buffalo rumor mill has been running full throttle for the past 60 minutes as rumors of Ralph Wilson's death have spread across the region. Using the best new medium to track breaking news - Twitter - we asked if others had heard the same rumor and could actually confirm the veracity of the claim.
From a reporter at the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle with the Twitter handle @nrusso came this response: @BuffaloRising i work at the rochester paper. we confirmed he is alive and laughing about this. She followed up with this: sounds like Ralph is alive and well. Channel 2 in Buffalo called his house and he answered :)
And from a desk reporter at CNN with the handle @GLBcnn came this follow-up: @BuffaloRising rumors at the moment.. He followed up moments later: The Buffalo Bills tell CNN "it's a false rumor" with regards to rumors of Ralph Wilson's death
If you hear this rumor at the local bars tonight, kindly deliver the news that Ralph Wilson is alive.
Source: buffalorising.com
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