When you're single, you generally look to three resources for advice:
* Your mom
* Chelsea Handler (I like to ask myself WWCD) no judging.
But what happens in the case of a natural disaster and you can't contact your family, have no access to the internet, and you've seen the episode of "Chelsea Lately" where Chelsea walks out of her apartment during a fire drill topless one two many times to trust her with a life or death issue?
In Seattle, earthquakes are few and far between, but we have had a few minor tremors in the past ten years, and I hate to break it to you- but there happens to be an active volcano closer than the end of Ted Danson's acting career.
Being prepared and knowing what to do is the best way to survive any disaster- natural or otherwise, and the below tips will help you prepare in the event of a catastrophe.
This is just one of those instances when being single kind of just sucks.
* If you live alone, talk to one of your neighbors about possibly buddying up with them during a disaster. That way, if you have to evacuate your home, you can make sure someone will make sure you got out okay.
* Keep your purse or wallet and any medications in a designated location in your house to make sure you can grab them quickly.
* Make sure your car gets a "check-up" routinely. If you need to use it during an emergency, it won't help if it won't start.
* If there is an earthquake an you are outside, drop to the ground and make sure your face is covered. Stay away from any power lines.
Hopefully you'll never need to use these tips, but its better to be safe than sorry!
Source: examiner.com
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