
Monday, March 9, 2009

seAgulling on ice...

i wAlked aloooooooT todAy.

i seT off @ ~1030aM to the post office...thAt'z about a miLe awAy. afteR postAge, i wAlked towArdz the inneR hArbour...cuZ dR. Li toLd me thAt there'z soMe huGe grocerY stoRe neArby the posToffice...

welL, i sAw noNe...and theN i kepT wAlking...and i reAched inneR hArbour! gosH....i wondeR hoW mAny mileZ thAt wAz...

alonG the wAy.....the hArbor wAterz were alreAdy frozeN, and seAgullz weRe wAlking on the ice sheetZ:

welL....adAm cAlled juZ now...and i toLd hiM abouT hoW tiRed i wAz thAt i hAd to tAke a nAp wheN i returNed...hahAa...and he wArned me not to wAlk around so mucH agAin cuZ it'Z dAngerouz - yeA i knoW...oK, no moRe fooT-explorAtion.

and......yeA, i puncHed in mY crediT cArd and ordeRed mY 5-piece deluXe syzteM froM proactiV~!!! i gAve in...and i prAy it wilL arriVe sooN enougH to sAve me!!!!!!

i herebY dedicAte the followinG mizerAble sonG to proactiV:

"mizerY" bY the moffAttz~

sAve me proactiV~!!!!!!!!!



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