The newspaper’s Rav Showbiz column announces: “The desperate singer has told friends she’s in the final stages of talks with an adoption agency and plans to go ahead with the move very soon.”
“Friends feel that Britney has decided to adopt the two six-year-old tots from China in a frantic bid to fill the void left by losing her sons to K-Fed,” it continues.

Spears recently lost custody of her children - two-year-old Sean Preston and one-year-old Jayden James - to her ex-husband following a string of alcohol and drug-fuelled exploits and a stint in rehab.
Brits has also apparently spent $50,000 (Rs 19.89 lakh) on her own funeral, apparently splashing out the cash because she fears an untimely death due to her outlandish lifestyle.
A source close to Brit tells the paper, “It doesn’t seem that Britney has thought this through completely. Adoption and a funeral? The two don’t exactly go hand-in-hand.
“Paying for a funeral is a sensible thing to do - but not when you’re only 25!”
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