My body, mind and my soul. Everything is pure.

Hottest thing that sets you apart from others
My forthcoming nature, my spirited love and of course my melting smile.
Hottest milestone(s) of your career
The first was winning the Glad Rags International title and the second was getting my first break in films with Raaz.
Your hot secret
It always remains a secret and that’s why it is called a secret.
Hottest Bollywood actress you have worked with or would like to work with.
For sure, I think it would be Deepika Padukone. What makes her hot, I think is her attitude, the way she looks and the elegant disposition with which she uses her sex appeal.
How do you keep yourself fit?
I keep myself fit by playing a lot of games like basketball, volleyball and football. Besides, I also train in martial arts, kick boxing and Jin Jujitsu.
Four hot people you are indebted to
My folks for bringing me into this world. Maureen Wadia for convincing me to make the move from Bangalore to Mumbai. Mukesh Bhatt for giving me the opportunity to work in Raaz. Vikram Bhatt for agreeing to work with a newcomer.
What’s hot about being slotted as the sexy stud image?
Any kind of image is good image, whether it is a sexy macho image, lover boy or cool dude next door. As long as people are talking about it, it’s great to be hot.
If you had to be involved in charity work and support for good cause, which hot cause would you choose?
I would choose two causes. Supporting the cause of underprivileged children and creating awareness for a woman’s cause for breast cancer. Research and statistics have proven that one out of every 30 women has breast cancer, and they aren’t even aware about it. Being a male and the personality I am, the women folk should definitely open their eyes, while I would advocate the cause.
Hottest lie you ever told
I have told a lot of white lies. Like I say I’ll be there in 30 minutes, when I know it will take me an hour is one of the most frequent ones.
Hottest childhood memories
My father taking me out to the forests once a month, camping out in the jungles, seeing wildlife in its glory, fishing, going on elephant back safaris.
Hottest thing that makes you happy
My house is the hottest thing that makes me really happy. When you do up your house slowly, the effort really shows in every nook and corner. Now, it is a house and not a flat.
The director who has provoked you the most to give a hot performance.
Mahesh Bhatt. He was not directing but was always on the sets of Raaz and Gunaah. He is truly fantastic and extracts a true performance from an actor.
Hottest romantic getaway
I always maintain it’s not the place, it is the person and what you do matters most. My house would beat any place since it is very romantic for me.
Hottest shot you’ve given on screen
A lot of the work in my film Holiday was very hot, subtle and without sounding too pompous, I think it was one of my hottest performances to date.
Hottest fan-frenzy incident in your life
I do have a lot of overseas fans who keep complimenting me and going absolutely ga ga over my movies. Out in Mumbai, I have fans (I won’t call them crazy) who sit outside my house or pray everyday for me. As for true fan frenzy, I had my clothes torn off completely at the premiere of my first film which was my first taste of fan hysteria.
Hottest incident on your visit to South Africa.
Oh god, the news has reached here. I just got back from South Africa, where I had to attend a Diwali mela. Somehow around 10 girls managed to come up and stood outside my room waiting for me to make an entry. It was bizarre that they had managed to get right upto my room.
Hottest thing in your career right now
My production house and me are trying to make the best ad films. Choosing the right films with author-backed scripts is also another of my hot career moves right now.
The hottest thing a woman ever told you
I can’t ever mention that. It is unprintable.
What if a man made a pass at you?
There have been many times men have made passes at me, I have just brushed them off. I prefer to laugh it off.
Hottest romantic date you’ve had.
A beautiful date I went out with a certain girl to this serene place in London. It was this appealing person, added with the novelty of going to a new place, which made it so wonderful.
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