“I think it is too early to talk about it. When the film comes out, there will be enough talk about it as it is,” says Kher.
His own film career seems to be going international. His latest film, which he did in England, is called Mr Bhatti on Chutti and he has a plan for nobody less than the US prez in the film. “It is like a Peter Sellers and Mr Bean put together. In the film, Mr Bhatti has a peace plan for George Bush. He thinks that Bush needs it. I feel this movie will do well internationally,” he explains.
Does Anupam have a peace plan for Bush too? “Oh no, I support Mr Bhatti’s plan. It is good enough,” he laughs.
And what is he doing back home? “I am doing a movie with Naseer called Wednesday and Balaji’s C Company.”
Beyond that, there is not much that Anupam wants to say about himself. “It is not for me to pass judgment on myself. I am a very
calm person and nothing stresses me. I laugh and I have chosen to be happy.”
He is also happy about the state of Bollywood. “The Indian formula films are dead and that is a great achievement. Even if the movie does not do well at the box office, the storyline is different and it is not the tried and tested stuff,” he says.
Considering he has been the chairman of the Censor Board, Anupam feels that the 1952 Cinematography Act should be revised keeping the present day needs in mind. “According to that act, any film can be banned and any film can be released. I believe that the system needs to be overhauled and the act needs to be seen in a different perspective. It is very important to change with the changing times. Otherwise, we will end up destroying creativity,” he shares.
Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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