
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Steep fine for cancellation of flight

NEW DELHI: In a significant decision, the State Consumer Commission not only directed a domestic airline to pay damages to a complainant whose flight was cancelled but also told it to compensate all passengers who were supposed to travel on that particular flight.

The commission found Go Airlines guilty for deficiency in service as it cancelled a flight scheduled for March 27, 2007 without any reason and was directed by the commission to pay Rs 15,000 to all the passengers who were to travel on that flight.

The commission's president, J D Kapoor said: "Airlines should not remain under the impression that they are liable to compensate only those passengers who sue them for delayed flight or cancellation of flight... we have ordered that airlines have to pay compensation to all those passengers who have suffered, mental agony, harassment and discomfort due to the long delay and cancellation of flights without any prior intimation to them."

While quashing the airline's plea, Justice Kapoor said: "The excuse of a technical snag that is often taken for the delay or cancellation of a flight is extremely lame, unless the airlines can prove it by convincing evidence."

While Go Airlines had taken the plea that one Yogesh Kumar, a resident of Janakpuri, had procured a ticket from the agent with a confirmed status and since the agency was informed about the cancellation of the flight, the liability fell on the agent and not the airline for not informing the passenger.

The amount of the ticket was also refunded after deducting Rs 600, the airline said.

However, the argument failed to convince the judge. "Every airline is supposed to inform about cancellation of the flight or delay well in time to each and every consumer or the ticket holder either through telephone or some other process and if it chooses to give information through its agent, it has to suffer for the acts of omission and commission or lapse on the part of the its agents," said Justice Kapoor.



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