
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

yfz ranch: One-sided YFZ Ranch redux: Paul Anthony falls for West Texas CASA anniversary propaganda

I keep hoping the folks at the San Angelo Standard Times will get the hang of writing a balanced story on the YFZ affair. It would have been so easy for Paul Anthony to do just as the SPJ Code of Ethics requires: “Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing.” But he didn’t.

It is likewise inexplicable that the Salt Lake Tribune would reprint Anthony’s story, so clearly slanted against the FLDS and in favor of empowering the government to intervene in private lives, without bothering to talk with anyone in the FLDS community or with advocates of less government interference in family life. Anthony had a great “teachable moment” and fumbled it away.

Among the more remarkable excerpts from Anthony’s account is this, in which he reports how CASA Debra Brown still manages to rationalize her participation in the government’s assault on the YFZ Ranch nearly one year ago:

The [Sarah] story may have been false, Brown and her staff say, but it had basis in truth.

“I could give you 20 different girls off the top of my head where that scenario fits,” Brown said. “The only things that have changed from before this happened are the children have been exposed to the outside world a little bit. The mothers and daughters have been educated in the law.

“Are they safe?” she continued. “Well, I don’t know. I still have doubts about that.”

Debra, honey, we all have doubts. It leaves me speechless (almost) that any CASA could possibly say, “The only things that have changed” are a bit of outside exposure and legal education. First, I would have thought that after being spanked repeatedly by the Texas Third Court of Appeals and the Texas Supreme Court, you might admit to having learned a bit of law yourself. And then there’s the unspeakable, irredeemable trauma that you and your CPS cohorts inflicted on hundreds of children and parents over the past year. The only things? What a laugh!

If that whacky Rozita Swinton scenario really fit any of the girls at YFZ, wouldn’t ya think that one year of being pawed and poked all over by Texas Rangers and CPS goons would have made it apparent?

Bottom line, as long as there is a Texas CPS with people like Patrick Crimmins in charge . . .

as long as CASAs exist run by people like Debra Brown who seem incapable of understanding — despite being roundly lectured by their very own Supreme Court on due process and following the law — why no government should be able to do what Texas CPS did in Eldorado, Texas, on April 3-4, 2008 . . .

no child is safe in Texas.



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