
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A New American Tea Party...

Let's tell our leaders 'Enough is Enough'. Enough of what you ask?


I have blogged about the tax burden of the average Joe before in the post titled:

Taxes, You Gotta Love 'em: vol. 2

If you would add up all the taxes we pay, the % of actual money taken from our income would astonish you.

I do believe that those that have had enough are a silent majority. We have been silent far too long. Here in Houston, some are planning a Tea Party Rally on April 15th (tax day). Many other cities, including Chicago, are doing the same. I will keep you posted on the Houston efforts, maybe you should research this for your area and plan on attending.

Let's have a little tea party of our own. This idea was put forth by the organizers of the Houston area Tea Party(it might have started elsewhere, but does it matter?). Let's send tea bags to Washington. No note or explanation needed, maybe just your name and address. Mail them on or around the 1st of April so they will be delivered in mass on or around April 15th (tax day).

Here is the address of the White House:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

You may want to also find your Rep.'s addresses and do the same. I am not only going to send bags on behalf of myself and my husband, but for my kids as well. It is thier future prosperity, opportunities and choices that we are destroying.

Maybe our leaders , who are trying to solve our nations current woes, should look at the advice given by one of the founding fathers. As Jefferson said:

“Every generation needs a new revolution.”



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