
Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Daily Show: Pet Projects: Cramer is on tonight!

Jon Stewart pokes some fun at the pork in the budget that just got signed into law and the earmarks for Congress' "pet projects".

Sadly despite the jokes had this bill not been signed into law the government literally would have had to shut down had it not been passed. From the article:

Most of the government has been running on a stopgap funding bill set to expire at midnight Wednesday. Refusing to sign the newly completed spending bill would force Congress to pass another bill to keep the lights on come Thursday or else shut down the massive federal government. That is an unlikely possibility for a president who has spent just seven weeks in office.

I don't think most rational people would think that shutting down the government in the middle of our worst economic crisis since the Great Depression is a good idea. I guess President Obama thought the pork was worth the trade off to stop that from happening.

Of course in the mean time there's nothing like poking a bit of fun at the Congress and their hypocrisy on earmarks.

UPDATE: John Amato

Don't forget to tune in tonight to TDS because Jim Cramer is going to join Jon Stewart and try and hash out their differences. I do hope it's two segments instead of one so Jon can really dig in. Blowhards like Cramer aren't usually prepared to go up against an excellent interviewer like Stewart, but then it falls on Jon's shoulders to get down to business. I kind of think he will tonight because Cramer went out of his way to smear Stewart on so many shows.

If he's easy on Cramer then it makes the recent kerfuffle not all that important. We always seem to ask this question. Why is it up to Stewart to expose these hypocrites?



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