
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Do you make time for date night ?

I can vividly recall the day my fiance (now husband) and I went to pre-cana. The one piece of advice that has stayed with me over the years, was regarding a date night. The speaker was a member of the church, he was a married man, and he told the men in that room that they need to take their wives out once a week for the rest of their lives. The crowd chuckled and I thought that should be easy enough.

We have not followed this man's advice. We try, but life does get in the way. My husband works late, I am too tired, we can't find a sitter, and the excuses go on and on. But I am realizing how easy it is to make excuses instead of making the effort to have a date. Conversations are hard when you have a toddler and pre-schooler to interrupt. You would think that after the kids are asleep we would be able to converse, but I will admit that by the end of the day I just want to veg in front of the TV or read, and hubby usually wants to watch sports.

We have been without a sitter for a few weeks now. I finally found someone and will be sure to book her for a date night very soon. Whenever hubby and I finally make the plans and go out, we are so pleasantly surprised at the ability to just talk and get back in tune with each other. I think it is very important to show your children that their is a relationship between their parents. I plan on trying to listen and heed that man's advice. Date night once a week for us. What about you, is there a date night once a week ? month ?



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