
Saturday, March 7, 2009

perricone diet: perricone diet

Going on a diet is usually a decision that someone will make in order to lose weight, but that is not the only reason why going on a diet is something that you should do. Being on a diet is also a great way for you stay healthy and even prevent diseases, and this is the purpose of the Dr. Perricone Diet. This may not be considered a diet to some people, as it's an anti-inflammatory diet, which can give you great results in feeling healthy, looking healthy, and having a healthier body altogether.

The Dr. Perricone Diet consists of a combination of foods and drinks that help keep conditions that are age-related at bay, as well as combat physical and mental degenerative conditions. The foods in this diet include carbohydrates , protein , and unsaturated fat. It is very important that all of these are featured in your diet everyday.

All of these foods are extremely beneficial to your body when you eat them on a regular basis. Fish is listed as one of the must-haves for improving the health of your body, as they have plenty of protein and give good benefits to your system. Dr. Perricone suggests eating tofu, shell fish, poultry, and other low-fat meats and fish. It is also recommended that you eat carbohydrates that are low on the glycemic index , such as vegetables, fresh fruit, and whole grains, as well as oatmeal, lentils, and beans.

All of these foods are anti-inflammatory foods naturally, as well as helpful in maintaining the level of blood sugar in your blood and insulin normal. Any carbohydrate that you eat will produce sugar in your blood, which is then transferred to your organs by the insulin produced by your pancreas to be used as energy.

The Dr. Perricone Diet also advises that you drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day . Green tea is also good for losing weight and your body's health, because it is high in antioxidants.

This diet plan guarantees that you will begin to see results in only 3 days and promises that you will have a firm and well toned looking body. The foods that are prescribed in this plan will also keep your skin looking radiant, supple, and healthy, as well as keep your mental health in good condition while increasing your levels of energy.

Protein is one of the most important things that your body needs to be healthy. Without protein, your body not be able to function or even grow. When your digestive system breaks down protein, you are left with 8 amino acids that the body can not manufacture on its own and the other 14 amino acids are not essential due to your body being able to produce them if you have the right nutrition.

Because of this, the 8 essential amino acids that your body can not manufacture on its own can only be provided to you by eating dietary protein. However, the average diet in America doesn't contain enough protein in order to maintain and repair skin and cell health. When you deplete the amount of protein in your body, your body is forced to take nutrition from itself, meaning that it feeds on itself. This causes muscle and tissue to break down.

Good Sources of Protein:
· Wild Alaskan Salmon (the best choice) and other fish
· Shellfish
· Organic Eggs (free range chickens)
· Free Range Poultry
· Low-Fat Dairy (particularly kefir and yogurt)
· Tofu

It is better that you eat the protein in your meal first so that the fruits you eat as well will not have any potential negative effects on your blood sugar. Also, protein helps to suppress the appetite, which will help keep you from eating too much.

Carbohydrates are also a very important part of eating healthy, and your body can't function without it either. There are, however, good carbohydrates (low-glycemic index) and bad carbohydrates (high-glycemic index).

The bad carbohydrates, such as starches, high fructose corn syrup, and simple sugars, can cause swings in both your blood sugar level and insulin level. These carbohydrates are the ones responsible for today's obesity epidemic, as well as the degenerative health conditions, that are prevalent in adults and children alike. Bad carbohydrates also come in the form of fruits and vegetables that are high on the glycemic index, and they create inflammation in your body on more of a cellular level. These foods increase the sugar in your blood more rapidly, which cause an increase in your insulin level. This in turn will also make your body store fats, which leads to weight gain and obesity, whether the amount of calories you take in is low or not.

Examples of Bad Carbohydrates:
· Dried Fruit and Fruit Juices
· Processed Cereals and Bread
· Bananas, Oranges, and Grapes
· Potatoes, Corn, Peas, and Carrots
· Pasta and Rice
· Waffles and Pancakes

On the other hand, good carbohydrates are those that are low on the glycemic index. These are also represented in vegetables and fruits, legumes and beans, as well as whole grains (old fashioned oatmeal). Good carbohydrates are full of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. You should avoid canned items, choosing frozen or fresh produce instead, because many of the canned foods don't have all of the nutrients in them that you need.

Examples of Good Carbohydrates:
· Walnuts, Almonds, and Hazelnuts
· Plums, Pears, Peaches, and Apples
· Blackberries, Blueberries, and Cantaloupe
· Spinach, Cabbage, Asparagus, and Broccoli
· Lima, Black, and Kidney Beans
· Old Fashioned Oatmeal (not instant)

Not all fats are bad for you. As a matter of fact, there are many fats that your body needs. The essential fatty acids that your body needs to stay healthy are Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9. These good fats help your body to absorb the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables that you eat, keep the cells in your body supple, your skin free of wrinkles and glowing, your mood upbeat, and your brain sharp.

Sources of Good Fats:
· Sardines, Salmon, and Cold Water Fish
· Olive Oil (particularly extra virgin)
· Seeds (like sunflower)
· Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc.)
· Acai and Avocado

Purchasing organic products when you can is always preferable.

Water is a very essential component of the Dr. Perricone Diet, as water can decrease any inflammation in your body. Water is necessary in maintaining your body's internal body temperature, and almost all biological functions require the aid of water. Everyday, you should drink a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses of water, and this can also decrease your appetite. Becoming bloated will not occur by drinking more water. The opposite will actually take place, defining your look as the waste is flushed from your body and more fat is being metabolized.

Spring water is your best choice. You should avoid fluoridated, chlorinated, and tap water when possible to eliminate those substances from your system.

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