
Thursday, March 5, 2009

American Idol Season 8 Top 12 #3

It will be so good to finally reach the real Top 12 next week. Some of Tuesday night’s performances were truly awful. The performance order was a surprise to no one. As predicted the ‘pimp’ spot went to Lil Rounds.

American Idol: Season 8 Top 12 #3

As far as the girls were concerned, Lil Rounds was great. But, I do not like the manipulation in ‘giving’ contestants the last spot. I feel very strongly performance order should be randomly selected always. The last three weeks, producer favorites were ‘given’ the final performance of the evening. Week one the prime spot went to Danny Gokey, week two Adam Lambert and this week Lil Rounds – not fair to other contestants. Other girls performances that merited mention – Kristen McNamara was really good, as was Felicia Barton (with a couple off notes).

On the guys’ side of things, Scott MacIntyre, Jorge Nunez, Ju’Not Joyner and Von Smith were all good. The other guys are likeable but not AI material.

America picked Lil Rounds, Scott MacIntyre and Jorge Nunez to go to the final Top 12.

Next up the judges gave their Wild Card picks for Thursday night. I am angry, astounded, and betrayed by these picks. There were contestants so blatantly overlooked it is appalling. The judges picks in order:

Von Smith – Jasmine Murray – Ricky Braddy – Megan Corkrey – Tatiana Del Toro – Matt Giraud – Jesse Langseth – Anoop Desai.

No Mishavonna Henson - no Kristen McNamara – no Felicia Barton -no Ju’Not Joyner – people are angry.

The show is beginning to look ‘fixed’ and when enough viewers feel manipulated, Idol will be done. I have been one of AI’s biggest fans from the beginning. It is a joy to watch the contestants grow as artists and be taken from obscurity and become major recording talent. Please don’t ruin that for all of us. How they could possibly choose Tatiana Del Toro and all the drama she brings over Mishovana, Kristen or Felicia, I do not know. This show is not supposed to be about drama it is supposed to be about singing. Remember judges what happened when you brought along Sanjaya. Sites like “Vote for the Worst” could jump onto the Tatiana bandwagon and bring her along for more weeks than anyone could stand.

As difficult as some parts will be to watch, the Wild Card competition airs Thursday night on Fox.



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