
Thursday, March 5, 2009

eve carson: UNC Campus Remembers Eve Carson


Hundreds gathered on the University of North Carolina's campus to honor slain former student body president Eve Carson on Thursday.

The ceremony was was bitter sweet as friends and classmates remember her life, but are still coming to terms that Carson is no longer here.

"It's hard to imagine that she's even gone at all," said Iris Lattimore, UNC junior and friend of Carson's. "Just that it's been a year is really hard to come to terms with."

The audience sat quietly as they listened to UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp recount his memories of Carson. They also heard friends talk about what they loved most about her. It was a ceremony that brought together students from all walks of life. Some, like Lattimore, knew her well and remember her energetic spirit.

"She was like, 'come on, you can do it, you can do anything we can change the world,' and I was like, 'I don't want to be in student government,' but she encouraged be to be in student government," said Lattimore.

Even students who hardly knew Carson said she had a tremendous impact on campus.

"I only met her a few times, but each time I really felt like I was the most important person in the world and I think there are few people that can really make you feel that way," said Nathan Stern, UNC senior.

It's Carson's compassion and love for others that people remember.

"She dedicated her life to making things at Carolina even better and so it's inspiring for me to do the same thing," said Alex Walters, UNC freshman.

Carson had an impact that will be felt for years to come.

Police have charged Demario Atwater and Laurence Lovette, Jr. with Carson's murder. The suspects are accused of kidnapping Carson in the early morning hours of March 5, 2008 from her home, forcing her into her SUV and making her drive to an ATM where they forced her to withdraw $1,400. Police said the two suspects then took Carson to the intersection of Hillcrest Drive and Hillcrest Circle, less than a mile from UNC's campus, and shot her multiple times including once in the head.

Federal prosecutors said they will seek the death penalty against Atwater. The federal trial is set to being in November. Meanwhile, Orange County's District Attorney also said he will pursue the death penalty against Atwater.

Lovette was 17 at the time of the murder which makes him ineligible for the death sentence.



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