
Sunday, March 8, 2009

theory of relativity

"Always tell the truth, it’s easier to remember."
-- David Mamet

This Valentine's Day, or VD as I affectionately refer to it, will be remembered as my Validation Day. I have never felt better about myself or my prospects; Everything I thought I deduced this past year by using sheer brain power and common sense was apparently true. What a relief to know that a) I am indeed as intuitive as I think I am, b) I am self-confident enough to trust my instincts despite some jerk-o telling me that I'm over-analyzing and irrational, and c) someone actually had to lie to me to keep me from ditching his fat ass months ago. In the darkest bar in Manhattan, this was illuminating to say the least.

It is equally flattering and embarrassing that his blatant un-truths prevented me from mobilizing sooner. Yet, I can't help but feel sorry for a 37-year-old with a well-rehearsed sob story who has to lie to multiple women so they'll remain in the picture to bolster his self-worth. Frankly, it just makes me feel better about myself. And I feel sympathy for anyone willing to devote the prime of their life pining away for something sub-par. I'd rather adopt another cat or become a foster parent or join the Peace Corps or a nunnery. Life is too short, and I don't have time for bullshit. Baruch Hashem.

My problem boils down to this: I am no closer to discovering if I am lovable or love-able. For that, I am truly irritated. It took a year and a third-party to prove that I'm semi-gullible, but I'm warmed by the knowledge that at least I'm human, respectful, and in possession of a conscience. That's something. Still, in my quest to begin to open myself up to the world, the first person I encountered was a serial dater and pathological liar. Jokes on me. It does sort of steel my resolve to go out and restore my faith in mankind sooner rather than later. Yay for silver linings.



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